Monday, May 17, 2010

326,000,000,000,000,000,000 gallons of water on Earth.

(326 million trillion gallons)
Now, supposedly, "[i]t only takes one quart of motor oil to make 250,000 gallons of ocean water toxic to wildlife."  (
Assuming the above is true, 1 gallon of oil can make toxic 1,000,000 gallons of water toxic.  We've dumped, according to conservative estimates of 5k barrels daily, about 5.25 million gallons -- or enough to make toxic 5.25 TRILLION gallons of water.
The next most conservative estimates say the well is leaking at least 25k barrels a day, or 26.25 million gallons -- enough to toxify 26.25 trillion gallons.
The highest estimate I've seen -- 70k barrels -- 73.5 million gallons -- or enough to toxify nearly 75 TRILLION gallons of water.
Lets assume there's 1 billion barrels (42 billion gallons) of crude in BPs broken well (I've heard reports of "10s of millions of barrels" and an unstopped leak going on for "years")
If BP cannot stop the gusher, and the well exhausts itself -- we're looking at toxifying 42,000 TRILLION gallons of water.
........ but hey, look on the bright side -- my math could be wrong.

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