Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Pathetic Attempt at Cleanup

"More than 1,000 employees of federal and state agencies and an oil industry consortium are working to contain and track the spill.
Crews on 49 vessels were using more than 29,000 feet of boom to trap floating oil, which had created a rainbow sheen atop the Gulf with a circumference of 600 miles.
As of late Tuesday, roughly 157,000 gallons of mixed oil and water had been recovered."

29,000 feet is just 5 1/2 miles.  Almost.
5 1/2 miles of boom to contain a spill 600 miles in circumference?!  What a JOKE!!
They'd need some 3 million feet of boom to contain the spill -- IF it doesn't expand.

157,000 gallons is almost 3,750 barrels.  The blown rig is losing 1,000 barrels (42,000 gallons) of crude a day.  8,000 barrels or so should have been lost since last Tuesday's disaster. 
How many gallons of oil/water mix is created by pumping 336,000 gallons (8,000 barrels) of crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico?

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