Friday, February 12, 2010

Business survival...

Of course businesses cannot survive by cutting of the revenue stream of those who actually buy their goods/services.

Why then do we have so many proponents of greed who care more about protecting corporate CEO salaries than about the income of the lower classes which support the higher ones?

"But, but, but, 'greedy capitalists aren't doing it on purpose' it's 'totally counterintuitive to greed'"

I agree. Greed won't intentionally cut off the consumer hand which feeds it. (I'm not suggesting workers want to cut the corporate hand that feeds it, either) But, I suggest those at the HIGHEST levels of Corporate America have cushioned themselves from the immediate effects of such greed, and may, in fact, intentionally cause such catastrophe...

The lowest income group has been effected the hardest by unemployment, some 30%.. the next lowest bracket suffers from 20% unemployment. The top? only 3%... so, the top (the greediest) isn't too worried about it's practice of ripping off the low guy.

It's most likely, too, that the smallest businesses will be effected the most. They'll be the ones closing their doors, and when they do, we'll see the kind of predatory acquisition and consolidation we saw after the bank meltdown.

Crisis, as we all know, creates great opportunity at great risk -- the bigger the risk the bigger the payoff...

I don't think I'm going out on a limb saying that those at the top would gladly bet it all if they could own it all.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

FW: Florida Energy Associates

Below are this years lobbyists for Florida Energy Associates LLC so far this year...  I've listed the lobbyists as well as some of the other suspect groups they lobby for.



2010 Legislative Principal 
Florida Energy Associates, LLC
Lobbyists representing principal:



TECO Energy, Inc

Exxon Mobil Corporation